Custom Abutments

Custom zirconia and titanium abutments offer numerous advantages in dental restorations. Combined with CAD/CAM milling technology, these abutments provide enhanced aesthetics, biocompatibility, and precision, ensuring optimal results for both patients and clinicians.
1. Aesthetics: Zirconia abutments, due to their tooth-colored appearance, blend seamlessly with natural dentition, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the restoration. With the ability to mimic the translucency and shade of adjacent teeth, zirconia abutments deliver highly esthetic outcomes, providing patients with a confident and beautiful smile.
2. Biocompatibility: Both zirconia and titanium abutments are known for their excellent biocompatibility. They are highly resistant to corrosion and hypersensitivity reactions, making them compatible with patients who may have metal allergies. Biocompatibility ensures long-term success, as the abutments integrate harmoniously with the surrounding soft and hard tissues.
3. Strength and Durability: Zirconia and titanium abutments possess impressive strength and durability, allowing them to withstand significant occlusal forces and chewing pressures. Zirconia abutments exhibit remarkable fracture resistance while providing excellent load-bearing characteristics. Titanium abutments demonstrate superb mechanical properties, ensuring longevity and stability in prosthodontic restorations.
4. Precision Fit: CAD/CAM milling technology plays a crucial role in manufacturing custom zirconia and titanium abutments. This advanced digital workflow allows for high precision and accuracy in designing and fabricating the abutments. CAD/CAM milling ensures a perfect fit between the abutment and implant, reducing the risk of microgaps and potential complications that may arise from an ill-fitting restoration.
5. Versatility: Custom zirconia and titanium abutments offer versatility in treatment planning. They can be customized to match the patient's unique anatomical requirements, including correcting angulations, emergence profiles (cuff height and gingival support) based on implant platforms. This flexibility allows clinicians to achieve optimal esthetics and functional outcomes, catering to each patient's specific needs.
6. Enhanced Hygiene: Custom zirconia and titanium abutments improve oral hygiene due to their smooth surfaces and lack of microgaps. A well-fitting restoration minimizes plaque accumulation and ensures easy access for oral hygiene maintenance, reducing the risk of peri-implantitis and promoting long-term implant success.